Five Card Draw (#1)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Root Game (#0)


Acey Ducey (#11) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, wilds
Aggressive Draw (#12) 5-6-2-9-0 draw
All for One or One for All (#13) 205-8--1-108-0 draw
Assassin (#14) 6-5-2-10-0 draw, mod-ranks
Assassin III (#15) 5-6-2-8-1 draw, flip, jokers, must-fold, no-peek, wilds
Australian Poker (#16) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet
Balls (#17) 5-6-2-9-24 draw, wilds
Bid Poker (#18) 6-8-99-6-0 draw, fee, table
Blind Tiger (#19) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet
California Draw with the Bug (#20) 5-6-2-9-1 draw, jokers, limited
Call a Wild (#21) 5-6-2-9-16 draw, wilds
Canadian Draw (#22) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, mod-ranks
Chappy (#23) 5-6-2-9-7 draw, wilds
Connect Four (#24) 5-6-2-9-28 draw, wilds
Devore (#25) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, must-fold, wilds
Diablo (#26) 5-6--1-9-4 draw, fee, match-pot, wilds
DMZ (#27) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, fee, wilds
Dog Butt (#28) 5-6-2-13-8 draw, wilds
Double Draw (#29) 5-4-3-13-0 draw
Double Jesus (#30) 5-6-2-9-12 draw, wilds
Double Legged Poker (#31) 5-6-102-9-0 draw
Double Two (#32) 5-5-3-9-0 draw
Draw Your Own (#33) 5-6-4-8-0 draw
English Draw (#34) 5-6-2-9-0 draw
English Poker (#35) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet
Firebaugh (#36) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Five and Two (#37) 7-5-4-11-0 common, draw
Five Card Draw II (#38) 5-5-2-10-0 draw
Five Card Draw One Eyed Jacks (#39) 5-6-2-9-2 draw, wilds
Five Draw Any Card Wild (#40) 5-6-2-9-6 draw, wilds
Five Draw Any Value Wild (#41) 5-6-2-9-24 draw, wilds
Five Draw Pair No Pair (#42) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, high-low, qualifier
Four Card Draw (#43) 4-6-2-8-0 draw
Frankenstein (#44) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, match-pot, qualifier, table
Freak of Nature (#45) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Fuzzy Draw (#46) 5-6-2-9-30 draw, limited
Hickock (#47) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Hot Pastrami (#48) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, high-low
Jack Shit (#49) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, mod-ranks
Jackpot Poker (#50) 5-8-202-205-4 draw, fee, wilds
Jacks High (#51) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Jacks or Better (#52) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Kings and Low Men (#53) 5-6-2-9-28 draw, wilds
Kinky Sex Draw (#54) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, wilds
Lalapalooza (#55) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, mod-ranks
Lefty Louie (#56) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Low Card (#57) 5-6-2-9-24 draw, wilds
Lowboy (#58) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, lowball
Magic (#59) 5-6-2-9-30 draw, wilds
Making Babies (#60) 5-6-2-9-12 draw, wilds
Menage a Trois (#61) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Mexican Draw (#62) 5-4-2-9-4 draw, jokers, mod-ranks, odd-deck, wilds
Micky Mantle (#63) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Monkey Love (#64) 9-6-2-13-0 draw, pass
Neal Deal Red (#65) 5-6-2-9-12 draw, mod-ranks, wilds
Old English Draw (#66) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet, mod-ranks
One Eyed King (#67) 5-6-2-9-1 draw, wilds
Pass the Crap (#68) 5-10-2-13-0 pass
Pay for Your Draw (#69) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, fee
Pay to Fold (#70) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, fee
Pothooks (#71) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Pregnant Threes (#72) 5-6-2-9-12 draw, wilds
Red-Black (#73) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, odd-ranks, split-pot
Red and Black (#74) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, odd-ranks
Rollouts (#75) 5-6-6-9-0 draw, flip, high-low
Rubidoux (#76) 5-6-2-9-4 draw, wilds
Ruin Your Neighbor (#77) 5-6-2-10-0 draw, pass
Seven Card Draw II (#78) 7-4-2-12-0 draw
Short Deck Draw (#79) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, odd-deck
Shotgun (#80) 5-6-3-9-0 draw
Six Back to Five (#81) 5-5-2-10-0 draw
Sixty Nine Draw (#82) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, limited
Slippery Elmer (#83) 5-5-3-9-3 draw, table, wilds
Snowmen and Hockey Sticks (#84) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, wilds
Stooge Poker (#85) 6-4-2-10-12 draw, flip, dead, table, wilds
Straight Draw Poker (#86) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet
Switch (#87) 5-6-2-11-0 draw, pass
Ten High (#88) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
The Emporer's New Cards (#89) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, stud
Three Card Draw (#90) 3-10-2-5-0 draw
Three Twist (#91) 5-6-2-8-0 draw, fee
Three Two One (#92) 6-4-3-12-0 draw, qualifier, table
Trash Bin (#93) 5-5-2-10-20 draw, table, wilds
Trees (#94) 5-10-2-50-0 pass
Up Your Draws (#95) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, flip
Vice President (#96) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, mod-ranks
Zombie (#97) 5-5-2-9-0 draw, table
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (#448) 5-6-2-9-13 draw, wilds

Spit in the Ocean (#5)

Also known as: Spit.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: common, draw, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Root Game (#0)


11810 (#310) 8-7-3-10-0 common, draw, high-low
Double Spit (#311) 6-7-4-9-0 common, draw, lowball
Four Two One (#312) 9-5-7-9-0 common, flip, fee
Italian Poker (#313) 5-10-2-7-0 common, forced-bet, high-low
Lame Brain (#314) 10-9-5-10-0 common, high-low
Phlegm (#315) 5-6-5-9-4 common, draw, flip, wilds
Spit Guts (#316) 5-6-101-9-28 common, draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Spit in the Snatch (#317) 5-6-3-9-4 common, draw, wilds
Stormy Weather (#318) 5-6-5-11-0 common, draw
Wild Widow (#319) 5-6-2-9-3 common, draw, wilds

Five Card Guts (#7)

Also known as: Cowboy.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Root Game (#0)


Alternating guts (#345) 5-6-100-5-12 draw, guts, wilds
Auction Guts (#346) 5-6-100-13-0 draw, guts, fee, table
Balls III (#347) 5-10-100-5-0 guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Balls to the Wall (#348) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Best Hand Pays (#349) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Buddha's Folly (#350) 5-6-100-10-0 draw, guts, table
Cohones (#351) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Consecutive Guts (#352) 5-10-100-5-30 guts, wilds
Cowgirl (#353) 5-8-100-6-0 draw, guts
Cowpie Guts (#354) 5-6-100-9-0 guts
Cuban Guts (#355) 9-8-103-9-0 common, flip, guts, qualifier, table
Deadman's Dance (#356) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, dead, qualifier, table, wilds
Dr. Pepper II (#357) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts, fee
Everybody Antes (#358) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Five Card Fierce (#359) 5-10-100-5-0 guts
Five Card Guts with a Draw (#360) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Five Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#361) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Five Card Punishment (#362) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Five Card Screw (#363) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Five Card With a Phantom Hand (#364) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, qualifier, table
Hold Your Guts (#365) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
In/Out (#366) 5-9-100-8-0 common, guts
Jacks and Piss (#367) 5-6-101-9-8 common, draw, guts, wilds
King Little (#368) 5-5-102-9-24 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Pass Your Guts (#369) 5-6-100-34-0 draw, guts, pass
Position Guts (#370) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts
Rohr (#371) 7-23-100-7-0 common, guts
Three to Five (#372) 5-10-101-5-0 guts
Western (#373) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, qualifier, table

Acey Ducey (#11)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Twos are wild.
  7. Aces are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Aggressive Draw (#12)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Betting round, starting with the last person to raise.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Assassin III (#15)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen8
SourcePro Forums

Tags: draw, flip, jokers, must-fold, no-peek, wilds


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal four cards down to each player.
  3. Deal one card down to each player. No player may look at this card.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player flips their no-peek card.
  8. Any player who flipped a no-peek joker must fold.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.
  10. Jokers are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Australian Poker (#16)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker.Net Glossary

Tags: draw, forced-bet


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left, who must bet.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left, who must bet.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Double Take (#413) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet, qualifier

Balls (#17)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJay Close

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Pairs of the same color are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Blind Tiger (#19)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, forced-bet


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Betting round, starting left of the dealer, with two blinds.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Betting round, starting left of the dealer, with two blinds.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Blind Lion (#415) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, fee, forced-bet

California Draw with the Bug (#20)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, jokers, limited


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. The jokers are bugs. Bugs can be used to complete a straight or a flush, or as an ace.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Call a Wild (#21)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. The dealer declares one rank to be the call rank.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player holding a card of the call rank may declare one other rank to be wild. If no one is holding the call rank, the next highest rank is wild.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Neal (#416) 5-6-2-9-20 draw, wilds

Canadian Draw (#22)

Also known as: Sows'em.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, mod-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands plus a four card flush beats a four card straight which beats a pair, but both lose to two pair.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Chappy (#23)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceFree Times

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Twos are wild.
  7. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.
  8. The king with a sword through his head is wild. This is typically the king of hearts.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Connect Four (#24)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Fours are wild.
  7. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Devore (#25)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, must-fold, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Threes are wild.
  7. Fives are wild.
  8. If you ever have both a king and a nine in your hand, you must fold.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Diablo (#26)

Betting Rounds-1
Max Cards Seen9
SourceBrian O'Neil's Poker Page

Tags: draw, fee, match-pot, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. If no one opens betting, everyone reantes and a new hand is dealt to all.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. If the person who opened betting does not win, they must match the pot and there is a redeal for all.
  8. Twos are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

DMZ (#27)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, fee, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player in turn may match the pot to get an extra down card.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Aces are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Dog Butt (#28)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen13
SourceJohn McLeod

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player may reveal any fours they have, and receive an extra card for each one.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Each player may reveal any fours they have, and receive an extra card for each one.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Threes are wild.
  9. Nines are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Double Draw (#29)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Charles's Game (#417) 5-4-3-13-4 draw, mod-ranks, wilds
Double Draw II (#418) 5-4-3-13-6 draw, wilds
Low Chicago II (#419) 5-4-3-13-0 draw, split-card
Oddball Draw (#420) 5-4-3-10-0 draw
Regrets (#421) 5-4-3-13-0 draw
Threes (#422) 5-6-4-17-0 draw

Double Jesus (#30)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Twos can count as any two cards.
  7. Each one-eyed jack can count as any two cards.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Flying Outhouse (#423) 5-6-2-9-11 draw, wilds

Double Legged Poker (#31)

Also known as: Two Leg Poker.

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. High hand gets a leg, but the pot stays.
  6. Repeat the last five actions until someone gets two legs. They get the pot.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Triple Legged Poker (#424) 5-6-102-9-0 draw

Double Two (#32)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Draw Your Own (#33)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen8
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal three cards down to each player, they may not look at these cards.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player must discard one card and pick up one of their no peek cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Each player must discard one card and pick up one of their no peek cards.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Each player must discard one card and pick up one of their no peek cards.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

English Draw (#34)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw three cards, four for the player to the dealer's left.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

English Poker (#35)

Also known as: Australian Poker II, Blind Draw, Blind Tiger II.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, forced-bet


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left, with one blind bet.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left, with one blind bet.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Firebaugh (#36)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. the two of diamonds is wild.
  7. The four of diamonds is wild.
  8. The nine of diamonds is wild.
  9. The five of diamonds is wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Five Card Draw II (#38)

Also known as: The Full Monty.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourceIntellectual Orgy

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to five cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Five Card Draw One Eyed Jacks (#39)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Five Draw Any Card Wild (#40)

Also known as: Roll Your Own II.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Each player may choose any one card in their hand to be wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Roll Your Own Nines (#426) 5-6-2-9-10 draw, wilds

Five Draw Any Value Wild (#41)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. At any time during the game, each player may declare that a given rank is wild for them.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Five Draw Pair No Pair (#42)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, high-low, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. The highest showing high hand and the lowest showing low hand split the pot.
  6. To win the low hand, you must have less than a pair.
  7. To win the high hand, you must have at least a pair.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Frankenstein (#44)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceLegion West

Tags: draw, match-pot, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw three cards, four if they show an ace. All cards discarded in order to draw go face down to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. If no one meets the qualifier, the high hand matches the pot and redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Croaker (#427) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier, table
Frankenstein II (#428) 5-7-2-7-0 draw, match-pot, qualifier, table

Freak of Nature (#45)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Sixes are wild, but if no one has a six at the showdown, the next lowest rank that someone does have is wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Fuzzy Draw (#46)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, limited


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Twos through tens can count one rank higher or lower (but not as ace or jack).
  7. Any heart can count as the equivalent diamond, and vice versa.
  8. Any spade can count as the equivalent club, and vice versa.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Fuzzy Numbers Draw (#429) 5-6-2-9-30 draw, limited

Hickock (#47)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceCraig O'Brien

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Black aces are wild.
  7. Black eights are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Hot Pastrami (#48)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, high-low


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  6. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Honky Tonk (#430) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, high-low, wilds

Jack Shit (#49)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Variant Database

Tags: draw, mod-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands, except a jack high (no sets or runs) beats everything else.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Jackpot Poker (#50)

Betting Rounds202
Max Cards Seen205
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: draw, fee, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may twist one card for max bet.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Repeat the last two actions until at least one player doesn't want more cards.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Twos are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Jacks High (#51)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. If you have a pair of jacks or better, you cannot win unless everyone else folds.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Jacks or Better (#52)

Also known as: Gardena Jackpots, Jackpots.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Acepots (#432) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Four Flush (#433) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
High Back to Low (#434) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet, high-low, qualifier
Jacks Once Around (#435) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Jacks or Better Trips to Win (#436) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Jacks Progressive (#437) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Jacks Regressive (#438) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Joker's Wild (#439) 5-6-2-9-1 draw, jokers, qualifier, wilds
Kingpots (#440) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier
Queenpots (#441) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, qualifier

Kings and Low Men (#53)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Kings are wild.
  7. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


No Vaseline (#442) 5-6-2-9-28 draw, match-pot, wilds

Kinky Sex Draw (#54)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Sixes are wild.
  7. Nines are wild.
  8. If you do not have at least two wilds of different rank, none of your wild cards are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Lalapalooza (#55)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, mod-ranks


  1. The dealer declares one poker hand (such as pair of threes) that will beat all other hands.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Standard poker hands, but the hand declared at the beginning of the game beats all other hands.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Lefty Louie (#56)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Face cards that face to their left are wild. This is typically the spade face cards and the jack of clubs.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Low Card (#57)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Lowboy (#58)

Also known as: Single Draw Lowball.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceXaos Dog

Tags: draw, lowball


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, low hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Single Draw Lowball with a Joker (#443) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, jokers, lowball, wilds

Magic (#59)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJay Close

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Consecutive cards of the same suit are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


David and Goliath (#444) 5-6-2-9-30 draw, split-pot, wilds

Making Babies (#60)

Also known as: CEBU Special.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. If you have a king and a queen, all of your twos are wild.
  7. If you have a king and a queen, all of your threes are wild.
  8. If you have a king and a queen, all of your fours are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Menage a Trois (#61)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceWill Smith

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.
  7. The queen holding a scepter is wild. This is typically the queen of spades.
  8. The king with a sword through his head is wild. This is typically the king of hearts.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Mexican Draw (#62)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, jokers, mod-ranks, odd-deck, wilds


  1. Take the twos, eights, nines, and tens out of the deck, and add four jokers.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Jokers are wild.
  8. Mexican hands: Standard poker hands, except that a flush beats a full house.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Micky Mantle (#63)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceMike Tsao

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Sevens are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Neal Deal Red (#65)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, mod-ranks, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands, except a pair of red queens beats everything.
  7. Tens are wild.
  8. Twos are wild.
  9. Fours are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Neal Deal Black (#446) 5-6-2-9-12 draw, mod-ranks, wilds
Neal Deal Men (#447) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, mod-ranks, wilds

Old English Draw (#66)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, forced-bet, mod-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Betting round, starting left of the dealer, with two blinds and a straddle.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands with four new hands. Big cat (eight-king, no flush or pair) beats Little Cat (three-eight, no flush or pair) beats Big Dog (ace-nine, no flush or pair) beats Little Dog (two-seven, no flush no pair) beats a straight. All of them loose to a flush.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

One Eyed King (#67)

Also known as: Axe King.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. The one eyed king is wild. This should be the king of diamonds.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Pay for Your Draw (#69)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, fee


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may twist up to three cards for max bet each, four if they show an ace.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Pay to Fold (#70)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJon Shemitz

Tags: draw, fee


  1. Players do not ante.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left. In order to fold you must pay max bet.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left. In order to fold you must pay max bet.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Pothooks (#71)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Nines are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Pregnant Threes (#72)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Threes are wild.
  7. Sixes are wild.
  8. Nines are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Red-Black (#73)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, odd-ranks, split-pot


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. The high hand splits the pot with the split-hand.
  6. The high hand is the best blackjack hand made of red cards.
  7. The split-hand is the best blackjack hand made of black cards.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Red and Black (#74)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, odd-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Blacks are negative, reds are positive, aces are 1, face cards are 10, all others are face value. Hand value is total of cards.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Rollouts (#75)

Also known as: Money Back, Skinny Minnie.

Betting Rounds6
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, flip, high-low


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  6. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  12. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  13. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  14. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  15. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Fire Sale (#449) 6-8-4-10-0 draw, flip, fee
Henway (#450) 5-5-5-10-0 flip, high-low
High/Low Jim (#451) 7-7-4-7-0 flip, high-low
Laino Roll'em (#452) 5-6-6-9-0 draw, flip, high-low
Roll'em Out (#453) 5-6-6-9-0 draw, flip

Rubidoux (#76)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards, four if they show an ace. You may not get rid of threes or fours while drawing.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Aces are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Ruin Your Neighbor (#77)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, pass


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player passes one down card to their left.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Short Deck Draw (#79)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, odd-deck


  1. Take the twos through sixes out of the deck.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may discard up to three cards, four if they show an ace. Reshuffle the discards into the deck.
  5. Deal each player enough cards to bring their hand back to five cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Shotgun (#80)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal two cards down to each player.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Double Ought (#454) 5-4-4-13-0 draw
Four Before (#455) 5-6-3-9-0 draw
Pick'em Poker (#456) 5-7-3-7-0 draw, stud, table
Q Ball (#457) 5-6-4-9-0 draw
Texas Tech (#458) 5-6-7-9-0 draw, flip, high-low

Six Back to Five (#81)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal six cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may discard up to four cards, getting back one less card than they discarded.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Six Back to Five II (#1131) 5-6-2-9-0 draw

Sixty Nine Draw (#82)

Also known as: 69 Draw.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceP. D. Magnus

Tags: draw, limited


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Sixes can count as nines.
  7. Nines can count as sixes.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Slippery Elmer (#83)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Deal one card face up to the table.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Any card matching the rank of a table card is wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Snowmen and Hockey Sticks (#84)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Sevens are wild.
  7. Eights are wild.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Straight Draw Poker (#86)

Also known as: Bet or Drop.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, forced-bet


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you may not pass (check).
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you may not pass (check).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Switch (#87)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen11
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: draw, pass


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player simultaneously takes one card at random from the player on their left.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Each player simultaneously takes one card at random from the player on their left.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Conservative Switch (#459) 5-6-2-11-0 draw, pass

Ten High (#88)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Phil

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. To win the high hand, you must have at least a pair of tens.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Three Twist (#91)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen8
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, fee


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw three cards, one at a time, for max bet each.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Trash Bin (#93)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, table, wilds


  1. Deal six cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player discards one card face down to the table.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Flip all of the table cards face up.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. All table cards are wild, as is any card of the same rank as a table card.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Up Your Draws (#95)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceScott Harker

Tags: draw, flip


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Flip each player's discards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Vice President (#96)

Also known as: Five Draw Place.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, mod-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. The second best hand using standard poker hands wins the pot.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Five Draw Place and Show (#471) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, mod-ranks

Zombie (#97)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Phil

Tags: draw, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins. The second place hand may switch hands with the table cards and make a draw to see if he can beat the winner.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Elbow (#277)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen6

Tags: common, draw, wilds


  1. Deal two cards down to each player.
  2. Deal three common cards face down in an 'L' shape.
  3. Flip the top common card face up.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Flip the next common card going clockwise around face up.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Flip one common card face up.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Each player may twist one card for max bet.
  10. Showdown, high hand wins.
  11. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Texas Hold'em (#4)

Phlegm (#315)

Betting Rounds5
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike, cross referenced from other pages

Tags: common, draw, flip, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  12. Showdown, high hand wins.
  13. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)


Phlegm in the Snatch (#745) 5-6-6-9-4 common, draw, flip, wilds

Spit Guts (#316)

Betting Rounds101
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Phil

Tags: common, draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal four cards face down to the table.
  3. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Use three card poker hands (straight flush beats three of a kind beats straight beats flush beats pair beats high card).
  9. You must beat the table hand to win.
  10. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  11. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.
  12. You low hole card is wild, as are all cards of the same rank, but only if it is lower than the low common card.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)


Reverse Blast Guts (#746) 5-6-102-9-28 common, draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds

Spit in the Snatch (#317)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: common, draw, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)

Stormy Weather (#318)

Betting Rounds5
Max Cards Seen11
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: common, draw


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  10. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  11. Showdown, high hand wins.
  12. You may use any one of the common cards in your final hand.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)

Wild Widow (#319)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: common, draw, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. All cards of the same rank as the last common card are wild, but the last common card is not wild itself.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)

Alternating guts (#345)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen5
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. If you have two cards that are two ranks apart (like three and five), they count as one wild card.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Auction Guts (#346)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen13
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, fee, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Auction off the right to switch hands with the table.
  4. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Balls to the Wall (#348)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJay Close

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Everyone who went in and lost matches the pot, double if they drew any cards. If no one went in or anyone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Best Hand Pays (#349)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePro Forums

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. If no one went in, the highest hand must reante for everyone.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Buddha's Folly (#350)

Also known as: Circle Jerk.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen10
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal one face up table card to the player to the dealer's left.
  3. The player with the table card may take it and replace it with a card from their hand.
  4. Pass the table card one player to the left
  5. Repeat the last two actions until the table card goes all the way around without getting replaced.
  6. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Showdown, high hand wins.
  9. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Grundy County Auction (#775) 5-9-2-52-0 pass

Cohones (#351)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may twist up to three cards for max bet each, four if they show an ace.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Cowgirl (#353)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen6
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Deadman's Dance (#356)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceOther Worlds Poker

Tags: draw, guts, dead, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Use a normal 52 card deck with two jokers added.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  4. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. You must beat the table hand to win.
  8. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  9. Jokers in player hands do not count toward hand value.
  10. Table cards that are jokers are wild.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Dr. Pepper II (#357)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, guts, fee


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player may twist one card for max bet.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. Each player may twist one card for max bet.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. If you went in and lost, you must pay the pot to the high hand. The pot stays and there is a redeal for all, unless only one person went in.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Everybody Antes (#358)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePro Forums

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Everyone who went in and lost matches the pot. Redeal with reante for all if no one went in or anyone had to match.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Five Card Guts with a Draw (#360)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Beat the Board (#778) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds

Five Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#361)

Also known as: Five Card Big Chicken, Five Card Guts with the Harsh Nelly Rule, Five Card Guts with the Wimp Rule.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. If no one goes in, the player with the highest hand must match the pot.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Five Card Guts with the Nelly Rule (#779) 5-6-100-9-0 draw, guts

Five Card Punishment (#362)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJohn McLeod

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  3. If less than two players go in, everyone who went out must match the pot.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Five Card Screw (#363)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  3. If no one goes in, everyone must reante.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Five Card With a Phantom Hand (#364)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceXaos Dog

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Hold Your Guts (#365)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Continue until someone goes in.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)

Jacks and Piss (#367)

Betting Rounds101
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: common, draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to four cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  8. Jacks are wild.
  9. The common card is wild, as are all cards of the same rank.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Burn (#780) 5-12-100-5-8 common, guts, wilds

King Little (#368)

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. You must beat the table hand to win.
  9. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  10. Kings are wild.
  11. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Five Card Bullshit (#781) 5-7-100-7-24 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Jackson Five (#782) 5-5-102-9-8 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds

Pass Your Guts (#369)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen34
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, pass


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. If no one declared in, every player passes three cards to their left.
  4. Repeat the last two actions until someone declares in.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Pass Guts (#783) 2-26-100-52-0 guts

Position Guts (#370)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer, no passes are allowed. If the dealer is the first to go in, everyone else gets a second chance to go in.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Two More Inches (#784) 7-7-100-7-0 guts, stud

Western (#373)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal six cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts (#7)


Eastern (#788) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, lowball, qualifier, table
Eastern Western (#789) 5-5-100-9-0 draw, guts, high-low, qualifier, table

Double Take (#413)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceCraig O'Brien

Tags: draw, forced-bet, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, starting with the player to the dealer's left, who must bet.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Betting round, starting with the last person called in the last round, who must bet.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins half of the pot.
  6. Reshuffle all of the cards into the deck.
  7. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  8. Betting round, starting with the person who won the last hand, who must bet.
  9. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  10. Betting round, starting with the last person called in the last round, who must bet.
  11. Showdown, high hand wins.
  12. You cannot win the hand unless you hand beats the winner of the first round.
  13. If no one beats the qualifier, redeal for all.

Parent: Australian Poker (#16)

Bid Poker II (#414)

Betting Rounds99
Max Cards Seen13
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, fee, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal one card face up to the table.
  4. Players bid on the table card in betting order, the leader (who rotates) must bid ante.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Whoever won the auction must discard one card.
  7. Repeat the last four actions once for each player, going around the table clockwise.
  8. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Bid Poker (#18)


Bid Slam (#803) 5-8-99-13-0 draw, fee, table
Multiple Bid Poker (#804) 5-7-99-19-0 draw, fee, table

Blind Lion (#415)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, fee, forced-bet


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Betting round, starting left of the dealer, with two blinds and a straddle.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Betting round, starting left of the dealer, with two blinds and a straddle.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Blind Tiger (#19)

Neal (#416)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player holding a ten may declare one other rank to be wild.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Tens are wild.
  7. Twos are wild.
  8. Fours are wild.

Parent: Call a Wild (#21)

Charles's Game (#417)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13

Tags: draw, mod-ranks, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Normal poker hands except straights and flushes. Straight may wrap around the ace (K-A-2), and flushes are compared by bridge suit rather than high card (spades beats hearts beats diamonds beats clubs).
  9. Twos are wild for anyone who did not take the second draw.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)

Double Draw II (#418)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13
SourceTim Murtaugh

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Twos are wild.
  9. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)


Merger (#805) 5-4-3-13-6 draw, table, wilds

Low Chicago II (#419)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13
SourceTim Murtaugh

Tags: draw, split-card


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand splits the pot with the split-card
  8. The split-card is the low, face-down spade.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)

Oddball Draw (#420)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen10
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may buy a down card for half the pot.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)

Regrets (#421)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13
SourceTim Murtaugh

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up the three cards (four if they show an ace), or they may take back their previous draw (after discarding the appropriate number of cards).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)

Threes (#422)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen17
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.
  10. If the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle the discards.

Parent: Double Draw (#29)


Triple Draw Lowball (#806) 5-6-4-17-0 draw, lowball

Flying Outhouse (#423)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Twos are wild.
  7. Each one-eyed jack can count as any two cards.
  8. The one-eyed king can count as any three cards.

Parent: Double Jesus (#30)

Triple Legged Poker (#424)

Also known as: Three Legged Race II.

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. High hand gets a leg, but the pot stays.
  6. Repeat the last five actions until someone gets three legs. They get the pot.

Parent: Double Legged Poker (#31)


Mortgaged (#807) 5-6-102-9-0 draw

Roll Your Own Nines (#426)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceThe Poker Pages

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Each player may choose any one card in their hand to be wild.
  7. Nines are wild.

Parent: Five Draw Any Card Wild (#40)

Croaker (#427)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceScott Harker

Tags: draw, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw three cards, four if they show an ace. All cards discarded in order to draw go face down to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. If no one beats the qualifier, redeal for all.

Parent: Frankenstein (#44)

Frankenstein II (#428)

Also known as: Nice Frankenstein.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen7
SourceLegion West

Tags: draw, match-pot, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards. Cards discarded in order to draw go face down to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. If no one meets the qualifier, the high hand matches the pot and redeal for all.

Parent: Frankenstein (#44)

Fuzzy Numbers Draw (#429)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceP. D. Magnus

Tags: draw, limited


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Threes through tens can count one rank lower than face value.

Parent: Fuzzy Draw (#46)

Honky Tonk (#430)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, high-low, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  6. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
  7. Threes are wild in high hands.
  8. Kings are wild in low hands.

Parent: Hot Pastrami (#48)

Acepots (#432)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of aces or better to open. If no one opens, reante and redeal.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Four Flush (#433)

Also known as: Freakpots.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better or a four card flush to open. If no one opens, reante and redeal.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

High Back to Low (#434)

Also known as: Jacks Back, Jackson, Johnson, Johnson Draw, Reverse.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceOther Worlds Poker

Tags: draw, forced-bet, high-low, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, the player to the left of the dealer must open with at least double ante.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins unless no one met the opening qualifier, in which case low hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)


Kings Back (#808) 5-6-2-9-0 draw, forced-bet, high-low, qualifier

Jacks Once Around (#435)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. After one deal for each player, the jacks to open restriction is removed.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Jacks or Better Trips to Win (#436)

Also known as: Progression.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.
  7. Three of a kind high qualifier.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Jacks Progressive (#437)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal and increase the restriction to open betting by one step.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)


Progressive Draw (#809) 5-5-2-10-0 draw, qualifier

Jacks Regressive (#438)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal and decrease the restriction to open betting by one step.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Joker's Wild (#439)

Also known as: Mistigris.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, jokers, qualifier, wilds


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  4. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Jokers are wild.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Kingpots (#440)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of kings or better to open. If no one opens, reante and redeal.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

Queenpots (#441)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of queens or better to open. If no one opens, reante and redeal.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks or Better (#52)

No Vaseline (#442)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, match-pot, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. If the person who opened betting does not win, they must match the pot and there is a redeal for all.
  7. Kings are wild.
  8. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Kings and Low Men (#53)

Single Draw Lowball with a Joker (#443)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, jokers, lowball, wilds


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, low hand wins.
  7. Jokers are wild.

Parent: Lowboy (#58)

David and Goliath (#444)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, split-pot, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. The high hand splits the pot with the split-hand.
  6. The split-hand is the high hand with no wild cards.
  7. Consecutive cards of the same suit are wild.

Parent: Magic (#59)

Neal Deal Black (#446)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, mod-ranks, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands, except a pair of black queens beats everything.
  7. Tens are wild.
  8. Twos are wild.
  9. Fours are wild.

Parent: Neal Deal Red (#65)

Neal Deal Men (#447)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceGraham's Card Club

Tags: draw, mod-ranks, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Standard poker hands, except any hand with a queen in it loses to one without a queen.
  7. Jacks are wild.
  8. Kings are wild.

Parent: Neal Deal Red (#65)

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (#448)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Hearts are wild if you have a queen.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)

Laino Roll'em (#452)

Betting Rounds6
Max Cards Seen9
SourceScarne's Guide to Modern Poker

Tags: draw, flip, high-low


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  6. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  12. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  13. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  14. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  15. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
  16. Straights and flushes are ignored in low hands. The lowest possible hand is A-2-3-4-5, known as the Wheel or the Bicycle.

Parent: Rollouts (#75)

Roll'em Out (#453)

Also known as: Shotgun II.

Betting Rounds6
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, flip


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  6. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  12. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  13. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  14. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Rollouts (#75)


Bicester (#812) 8-6-4-11-0 common, draw, flip, high-low, qualifier
Boot (#813) 5-4-6-13-0 draw, flip
Double Exposure (#814) 5-10-4-5-0 flip, pass
Five Seven Nine (#815) 7-3-7-15-0 draw, flip
Low Hand Out (#816) 15-3-202-15-0 flip, must-fold
Oppression (#817) 5-7-5-7-0 flip, guts, match-pot
Roll'em Out Plus (#818) 6-5-6-10-0 draw, flip
Soda Bomb (#819) 13-4-6-13-0 flip, high-low, table
Weeping Willow (#820) 5-10-5-50-0 flip, pass, fee

Double Ought (#454)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen13
SourceCraig O'Brien

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal two cards down to each player.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Shotgun (#80)


Buck Shot (#821) 5-4-4-13-0 draw, stud

Four Before (#455)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal one card down to each player.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Shotgun (#80)

Q Ball (#457)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you may not pass (check).
  3. Deal one card down to each player.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you may not pass (check).
  5. Deal one card down to each player.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Shotgun (#80)

Texas Tech (#458)

Also known as: Double Barreled Shotgun.

Betting Rounds7
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, flip, high-low


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal two cards down to each player.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  12. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  13. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  14. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  15. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  16. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  17. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.

Parent: Shotgun (#80)

Conservative Switch (#459)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen11
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, pass


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player simultaneously takes one card at random from the player on their left.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Each player simultaneously takes one card at random from the player on their left.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Switch (#87)

Flip'em (#460)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, flip


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player flips all five cards face up, and then may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace). Draw cards come back face down.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: The Emporer's New Cards (#89)

Paradise Trees (#470)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen50
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, pass, high-low


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player in betting order may offer a number of cards for trade, but may give no information about those cards. If more than one person wants to make the trade, they must bid for the right, high bid goes to the pot.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Declare high/low/both simultaneously.
  6. High declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot. Hands declared as both must win both to win anything.

Parent: Trees (#94)

Five Draw Place and Show (#471)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, mod-ranks


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. The high hand splits the pot with the split-hand.
  6. The second best hand using standard poker hands wins the pot.
  7. The split-hand is the third best hand using standard poker hands.

Parent: Vice President (#96)

Add'em Up (#506)

Also known as: Add It Up.

Betting Rounds5
Max Cards Seen6
SourceMike Tsao

Tags: draw, high-low, odd-ranks, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal two cards face up to the table.
  4. Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Deal one card face up to the table.
  7. Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
  8. Normal betting round, first round starts to the left of the dealer, subsequent rounds start rotate around the table.
  9. Deal one card face up to the table.
  10. Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
  11. Normal betting round, first round starts to the left of the dealer, subsequent rounds start rotate around the table.
  12. Each player may twist one card for double max bet.
  13. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  14. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  15. The highest showing high hand and the lowest showing low hand split the pot.
  16. Tens and face cards are worth 0 or 10, aces are worth 1 or 11, all other cards are face value.

Parent: Numbers (#137)

Phlegm in the Snatch (#745)

Betting Rounds6
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Mike, cross referenced from other pages

Tags: common, draw, flip, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  10. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  11. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  12. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  13. Showdown, high hand wins.
  14. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Phlegm (#315)

Reverse Blast Guts (#746)

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Phil

Tags: common, draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal four cards face down to the table.
  3. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Use three card poker hands (straight flush beats three of a kind beats straight beats flush beats pair beats high card).
  9. You must beat the table hand to win.
  10. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  11. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.
  12. You high hole card is wild, as are all cards of the same rank, but only if it is higher than the high common card.

Parent: Spit Guts (#316)

Beat the Board (#778)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  8. Threes are wild for the table.
  9. Fives are wild for the table.
  10. Sevens are wild for the table.

Parent: Five Card Guts with a Draw (#360)

Five Card Guts with the Nelly Rule (#779)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9
SourceXaos Dog

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. If no one goes in, the player with the highest hand must pay max bet to the pot.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Five Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#361)

Five Card Bullshit (#781)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen7

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. Each player may draw exactly two cards.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win, and the table hand gets a draw.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  8. Kings are wild.
  9. Your low card is wild for you, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: King Little (#368)

Jackson Five (#782)

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourceSanjay Udani

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal five cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. You must beat the table hand to win.
  9. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  10. Fives are wild.
  11. Jacks are wild.

Parent: King Little (#368)

Eastern (#788)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, guts, lowball, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Showdown, low hand wins.
  5. The winning hand must beat the top five cards off the deck.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Western (#373)

Eastern Western (#789)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, guts, high-low, qualifier, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal six cards face down to the table.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. The highest showing high hand and the lowest showing low hand split the pot.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Western (#373)

Bid Slam (#803)

Betting Rounds99
Max Cards Seen13
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, fee, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal one card face up to the table.
  4. Players bid on the table card in betting order, the leader (who rotates) must bid ante.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Whoever won the auction must discard one card. They may slam another player by discarding to them. The slammed player must discard a card and draw the first player's discard.
  7. Repeat the last four actions once for each player, going around the table clockwise.
  8. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Bid Poker II (#414)


Bid Double Slam (#1017) 5-8-99-13-0 draw, fee, table

Multiple Bid Poker (#804)

Betting Rounds99
Max Cards Seen19
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, fee, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal one card face up to the table.
  4. Players bid on the table card in betting order, the leader (who rotates) must bid ante.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Whoever won the auction must discard one card.
  7. Repeat the last four actions for each player, going around the table clockwise twice.
  8. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Bid Poker II (#414)

Merger (#805)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen13
SourceTim Murtaugh

Tags: draw, table, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Deal one table card face up to each player.
  8. Merge hands with the player whose table card is closest to yours.
  9. Betting round, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Both players must bet the hand, if one folds, the other must be double.
  10. Showdown, high hand wins.
  11. Twos are wild.
  12. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.

Parent: Double Draw II (#418)

Triple Draw Lowball (#806)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen17
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, lowball


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, low hand wins.
  10. If the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle the discards.

Parent: Threes (#422)


Acey Duecey Triple Draw (#1018) 5-6-4-17-8 draw, lowball, wilds
Badugi (#1019) 4-7-4-13-0 draw, lowball, odd-ranks
Triple Draw with a Twist (#1020) 5-5-4-18-0 common, draw, lowball
Two Card Triple Draw Lowball (#1021) 2-10-4-5-0 draw, lowball

Mortgaged (#807)

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePoker Phil

Tags: draw


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. High hand gets a leg, but the pot stays.
  6. Repeat the last five actions until someone gets two legs in three consecutive games. They get the pot.

Parent: Triple Legged Poker (#424)

Kings Back (#808)

Also known as: Kingston.

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9

Tags: draw, forced-bet, high-low, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of kings or better to open. If no one opens, reante and redeal.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, the player to the left of the dealer must open with at least double ante.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins unless no one met the opening qualifier, in which case low hand wins.

Parent: High Back to Low (#434)

Progressive Draw (#809)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourceCasino City

Tags: draw, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, redeal and increase the restriction to open betting by one step up to a pair of aces, then decrease one step down to a pair of jacks, and so on.
  4. Each player may draw up to five cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Jacks Progressive (#437)


Progressive Ante (#1022) 5-5-2-10-0 draw, fee, qualifier

Five and Dime II (#810)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen12
SourceOx House

Tags: common, draw, fee


  1. Deal seven cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player may twist up to two cards for double ante each.
  3. Shuffle any discarded cards back into the deck.
  4. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Deal two common cards face up to the table.
  7. Each player splits their cards into two hands of five cards each, arranging them in order in face down stacks. The order of the stacks may not change once made.
  8. Each player flips one hand over, and everyone except the two best hands must fold. The remaining players flip their second hand over, and the higher second hand takes the pot.
  9. Each common card may only be used in one of your hands.

Parent: Henway (#450)

Boot (#813)

Betting Rounds6
Max Cards Seen13

Tags: draw, flip


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  6. Each player may discard the top card of their stack and get a new top card in its place.
  7. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  9. Each player may discard the top card of their stack and get a new top card in its place.
  10. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  12. Each player may discard the top card of their stack and get a new top card in its place.
  13. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  14. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  15. Each player may discard the top card of their stack and get a new top card in its place.
  16. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  17. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  18. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Roll'em Out (#453)

Bid Double Slam (#1017)

Betting Rounds99
Max Cards Seen13
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, fee, table


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal one card face up to the table.
  4. Players bid on the table card in betting order, the leader (who rotates) must bid ante.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Whoever won the auction must discard one card. They may slam another player by discarding to them. The slammed player must discard a card and draw the first player's discard. The slammed player may also slam a third player.
  7. Repeat the last four actions once for each player, going around the table clockwise.
  8. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Bid Slam (#803)

Acey Duecey Triple Draw (#1018)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen17
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, lowball, wilds


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, low hand wins.
  10. Twos are wild.
  11. Aces are wild.
  12. If the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle the discards.

Parent: Triple Draw Lowball (#806)

Triple Draw with a Twist (#1020)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen18
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: common, draw, lowball


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  8. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Showdown, low hand wins.
  11. If the deck runs out of cards, reshuffle the discards.

Parent: Triple Draw Lowball (#806)

Progressive Ante (#1022)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen10
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, fee, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening, you must have a pair of jacks or better to open.
  3. If no one opened in the previous round of betting, reante, redeal, and increase the restriction to open betting by one step up to a pair of aces, then decrease one step down to a pair of jacks, and so on.
  4. Each player may draw up to five cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Progressive Draw (#809)

Advanced Oppression (#1028)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, guts, match-pot


  1. Deal seven cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player splits their cards into a hand of five cards and a hand two cards. The two card hand must contain a down card and be worse than the five card hand.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. The high two card hand wins the pot
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. Everyone must reante.
  7. Discard your two card hand.
  8. Shuffle any discarded cards back into the deck.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  11. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  12. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Oppression (#817)


The Oppressed Get Even (#1092) 5-6-2-9-8 draw, guts, match-pot, wilds

The Oppressed Get Even (#1092)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceJoker Poker

Tags: draw, guts, match-pot, wilds


  1. Deal seven cards face down to each player.
  2. Each player splits their cards into a hand of five cards and a hand two cards. The two card hand must contain a down card and be worse than the five card hand.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. The high two card hand wins the pot
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. Everyone must reante.
  7. Discard your two card hand.
  8. Shuffle any discarded cards back into the deck.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Each player may draw up to three cards (four if they show an ace).
  11. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  12. Showdown, high hand wins.
  13. The cards from the winning two card hand are wild, as are all cards of the same rank, but not for the winning hand.

Parent: Advanced Oppression (#1028)

Incinerator (#1093)

Betting Rounds5
Max Cards Seen10
SourceTom Jolly

Tags: draw, flip, wilds


  1. Deal two cards down to each player.
  2. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  3. Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  5. Deal one card down to each player.
  6. Each may player may discard one of their down cards to get a new down card.
  7. Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  9. Deal one card down to each player.
  10. Each may player may discard one of their down cards to get a new down card.
  11. Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
  12. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  13. Deal one card down to each player.
  14. Each may player may discard one of their down cards to get a new down card.
  15. Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
  16. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  17. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  18. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  19. Showdown, high hand wins.
  20. Your low hole card is wild for you, as are all cards of the same rank.

Parent: Escalator (#1032)

Six Back to Five II (#1131)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal six cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may discard up to three cards (four if they show an ace), getting back one less card than they discarded.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Six Back to Five (#81)