11810 (#310)
Cards | 8 |
Players | 7 |
Betting Rounds | 3 |
Max Cards Seen | 10 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | Wikipedia |
Tags: common, draw, high-low
- Deal five cards face down to each player.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Deal three common cards face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Each player may draw up to two cards.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Declare high/low/both simultaneously.
- High declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot. Hands declared as both must win both to win anything.
Parent: Spit in the Ocean
Kryky (#725) |
7-7-5-10-3 |
common, draw, stud, table, wilds |
Buddy's Game (#727)
Cards | 8 |
Players | 6 |
Betting Rounds | 4 |
Max Cards Seen | 11 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | Invented Poker Variations |
Tags: common, draw, fee
- Deal four cards down to each player.
- Deal four face down common cards in a 2x2 square.
- Each player may twist up to two cards for double ante each.
- Flip one common card face up.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip the common card in the corner opposite the last common card flipped.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one common card face up.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one common card face up.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Each player may twist a card for max bet or buy a card for double max bet.
- Showdown, high hand wins.
- Your hand may only use one horizontal or vertical row of common cards.
Parent: Lame Brain
Bicester (#812)
Cards | 8 |
Players | 6 |
Betting Rounds | 4 |
Max Cards Seen | 11 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | Two Plus Two Forums |
Tags: common, draw, flip, high-low, qualifier
- Deal five cards face down to each player.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Each player may draw up to three cards.
- Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
- Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Declare high/low simultaneously.
- Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
- Straights and flushes are ignored in low hands. The lowest possible hand is A-2-3-4-5, known as the Wheel or the Bicycle.
- You can't win the low hand if you have better than an high card with an eight.
- You can either use your hand (up and down cards) or any two cards from your hand and any three common cards.
Parent: Roll'em Out
Full Bicester (#1024) |
9-8-4-9-0 |
common, flip, high-low, qualifier |
Cab Calloway (#987)
Cards | 8 |
Players | 12 |
Betting Rounds | 5 |
Max Cards Seen | 8 |
Wilds | 4 |
Source | Rec.Gambling.Poker |
Tags: common, draw, wilds
- Deal four cards down to each player.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Each player may draw up to two cards.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Deal one common card face up to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Declare high/low simultaneously.
- Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
- The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.
Parent: Forty Four