11810 (#310)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen10

Tags: common, draw, high-low


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Deal three common cards face up to the table.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Declare high/low/both simultaneously.
  8. High declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot. Hands declared as both must win both to win anything.

Parent: Spit in the Ocean (#5)


Kryky (#725) 7-7-5-10-3 common, draw, stud, table, wilds

Buddy's Game (#727)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen11
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: common, draw, fee


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Deal four face down common cards in a 2x2 square.
  3. Each player may twist up to two cards for double ante each.
  4. Flip one common card face up.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Flip the common card in the corner opposite the last common card flipped.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Flip one common card face up.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Flip one common card face up.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  12. Each player may twist a card for max bet or buy a card for double max bet.
  13. Showdown, high hand wins.
  14. Your hand may only use one horizontal or vertical row of common cards.

Parent: Lame Brain (#314)

Bicester (#812)

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen11
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: common, draw, flip, high-low, qualifier


  1. Deal five cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Each player puts their cards in order in a stack face down on the table. The order of the stack may not change once made.
  5. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  6. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  8. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  9. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  10. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  11. Each player simultaneously flips over the top card of their stack.
  12. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  13. Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
  14. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  15. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
  16. Straights and flushes are ignored in low hands. The lowest possible hand is A-2-3-4-5, known as the Wheel or the Bicycle.
  17. You can't win the low hand if you have better than an high card with an eight.
  18. You can either use your hand (up and down cards) or any two cards from your hand and any three common cards.

Parent: Roll'em Out (#453)


Full Bicester (#1024) 9-8-4-9-0 common, flip, high-low, qualifier

Cab Calloway (#987)

Betting Rounds5
Max Cards Seen8

Tags: common, draw, wilds


  1. Deal four cards down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  4. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  9. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  10. Deal one common card face up to the table.
  11. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  12. Declare high/low simultaneously.
  13. Showdown, highest declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot.
  14. The last common card flipped is wild, as are all other cards of the same rank.

Parent: Forty Four (#735)