Three Card Guts (#6)

Also known as: Monte Carlo.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Root Game (#0)


Balls II (#320) 4-12-100-4-3 guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Baseball Guts (#321) 3-13-100-4-8 guts, wilds
Beat the Deck (#322) 3-12-100-4-0 draw, guts, qualifier, table
Bullet (#323) 3-9-100-5-8 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Cahones (#324) 3-8-100-6-0 draw, guts
Deadly 69s (#325) 3-17-100-3-8 guts, must-fold, wilds
Double Guts (#326) 3-7-100-6-0 guts, qualifier, table
Forced Guts (#327) 3-16-100-3-0 guts, qualifier, table
Four Card Guts (#328) 4-8-100-6-0 draw, guts
Full Monty (#329) 3-13-100-4-8 draw, guts, wilds
Herbie (#330) 3-8-100-6-0 draw, guts, qualifier, table
Kryptonite (#331) 3-98-100-4-3 draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Minnesota Guts (#332) 3-13-100-4-8 draw, guts, wilds
Pimp Guts (#333) 3-13-100-4-0 guts
PJ (#334) 3-16-100-3-0 guts, wilds
Strong Twos (#335) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts
The Drop (#336) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts
Three Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#337) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts
Three Card Low Guts (#338) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts, lowball
Three Card Man or Mouse (#339) 3-13-100-3-0 guts, qualifier
Three Card Punishment (#340) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts
Three Card Screw (#341) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts
Three Five Seven (#342) 7-7-100-7-4 guts, wilds
Two and One (#343) 3-17-100-3-0 guts
Two Card Guts (#344) 2-25-100-2-0 guts

Three Card Draw (#90)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen5
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Five Card Draw (#1)


Brag (#462) 3-17-1-3-3 straight, wilds
Don Juan (#463) 3-8-2-6-0 draw
Don Juan II (#464) 3-8-2-6-0 draw
Frustration (#465) 2-17-2-3-0 draw
Three Card Double Draw Lowball (#466) 3-8-3-6-0 draw, lowball
Three Card Poker (#467) 3-12-2-5-5 draw, wilds

Beat the Deck (#322)

Also known as: Three Card Guts with a Phantom Hand.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal three table cards face down.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Use three card poker hands (straight flush beats three of a kind beats straight beats flush beats pair beats high card).
  7. You must beat the table hand to win.
  8. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)


Forty-Two Radical (#748) 3-12-100-4-0 guts, qualifier, table, wilds
Fred (#749) 3-16-100-3-0 guts, qualifier, table, wilds

Bullet (#323)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen5

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal three table cards face down.
  3. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  4. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. You must beat the table hand to win.
  7. Standard poker hands, but there are no straights or flushes, and three threes beats all hands.
  8. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  9. Threes are wild.
  10. Nines are wild.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Cahones (#324)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen6
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may twist up to three cards for minimum bet each.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)


Cahones Lowball (#750) 3-8-100-6-0 draw, guts, fee, lowball
Two Card Cahones (#751) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts, fee

Full Monty (#329)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. Of the first up cards seen, the lowest is wild, as are all cards of the same rank.
  7. Of the first up cards seen, the highest is wild, as are all cards of the same rank.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Herbie (#330)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen6
SourceInvented Poker Variations

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal three table cards face down.
  3. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Use three card poker hands (straight flush beats three of a kind beats straight beats flush beats pair beats high card).
  7. You must beat the table hand to win.
  8. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Kryptonite (#331)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceHome Poker Cookbook

Tags: draw, guts, qualifier, table, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Deal two cards face down to the table.
  3. Deal one card face up to the table.
  4. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  5. If no one goes in, deal another three table cards down as another kitty.
  6. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  7. Showdown, high hand wins.
  8. Use three card poker hands (straight flush beats three of a kind beats straight beats flush beats pair beats high card).
  9. To win you must be able to beat every set of table cards.
  10. Everyone who went in and lost matches the pot. Redeal for all (except the table cards) if no one went in or no one had to match the pot.
  11. Any card of the same rank as the first table card flipped is wild

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Minnesota Guts (#332)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceSanjay Udani

Tags: draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player in turn must draw one or three cards.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. Fours are wild.
  7. Queens are wild.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)


South of Minnesota (#757) 3-13-100-4-8 draw, guts, wilds

Strong Twos (#335)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Everyone who went in and lost matches the pot, and then matches it again for each two revealed at the showdown. If no one went in or anyone matched the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

The Drop (#336)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Normal poker hands, but straights and flushes don't count.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Three Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#337)

Also known as: Three Card Big Chicken, Three Card Guts with the Harsh Nelly Rule, Three Card Guts with the Wimp Rule.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePublic Domain

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. If no one goes in, the player with the highest hand must match the pot.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)


Three Card Guts with the Nelly Rule (#758) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts

Three Card Low Guts (#338)

Also known as: Antiguts, Bones.

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4

Tags: draw, guts, lowball


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Showdown, low hand wins.
  5. Straights and flushes are ignored in low hands. The lowest possible hand is A-2-3-4-5, known as the Wheel or the Bicycle.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Three Card Punishment (#340)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceJohn McLeod

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  3. If less than two players go in, everyone who went out must match the pot.
  4. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Three Card Screw (#341)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceSource misplaced

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out simultaneously.
  3. If no one goes in, everyone must reante.
  4. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Three Card Guts (#6)

Don Juan (#463)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen6
SourceJohn McLeod

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Three Card Draw (#90)


Three Legged Race (#468) 3-8-102-6-0 draw, legs
Three Low (#824) 3-5-2-9-1 draw, jokers, lowball, wilds

Don Juan II (#464)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen6
SourceJohn McLeod

Tags: draw


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player in turn must draw one or three cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.

Parent: Three Card Draw (#90)

Three Card Double Draw Lowball (#466)

Betting Rounds3
Max Cards Seen6
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, lowball


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Showdown, low hand wins.

Parent: Three Card Draw (#90)


One Two Three (#827) 3-5-4-9-0 draw, odd-ranks
Three Legged Low Ball Double Draw (#828) 3-8-103-6-0 draw, legs

Three Card Poker (#467)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen5
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Jacks with only one eye are wild. This is typically the jacks of hearts and spades.
  7. The queen holding a scepter is wild. This is typically the queen of spades.
  8. The one eyed king is wild. This should be the king of diamonds.
  9. The king with a sword through his head is wild. This is typically the king of hearts.

Parent: Three Card Draw (#90)

Three Legged Race (#468)

Betting Rounds102
Max Cards Seen6
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, legs


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. High hand gets a leg, but the pot stays.
  6. Repeat the last five actions until someone gets three legs. They get the pot.

Parent: Don Juan (#463)

Baseball Guts II (#747)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen5
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  4. Anyone who went in with a four gets an extra card.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  7. Threes are wild.
  8. Nines are wild.

Parent: Baseball Guts (#321)

Cahones Lowball (#750)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen6
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, fee, lowball


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may twist up to three cards for minimum bet each.
  4. Showdown, low hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Cahones (#324)

Two Card Cahones (#751)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, fee


  1. Deal two cards down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may twist up to two cards for minimum bet each.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Cahones (#324)


Two Card Lowball Cohones (#1001) 3-13-100-4-0 draw, guts, lowball

South of Minnesota (#757)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceSanjay Udani

Tags: draw, guts, wilds


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player in turn must draw one or three cards.
  4. Showdown, high hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  6. Threes are wild.
  7. Jacks are wild.

Parent: Minnesota Guts (#332)

Three Card Guts with the Nelly Rule (#758)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourceXaos Dog

Tags: draw, guts


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. If no one goes in, the player with the highest hand must pay max bet to the pot.
  4. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  5. Showdown, high hand wins.
  6. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.
  7. If no one goes in, the player with the highest hand must match the pot.

Parent: Three Card Guts with the Weenie Rule (#337)

Three Low (#824)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, jokers, lowball, wilds


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Showdown, low hand wins.
  9. Jokers are wild.

Parent: Don Juan (#463)


Three High/Low (#1029) 3-5-2-9-1 draw, high-low, jokers, wilds

One Two Three (#827)

Also known as: 1-2-3.

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen9
SourceIntellectual Orgy

Tags: draw, odd-ranks


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.
  10. The closest hand to ace-two-three wins. Hands with a pair lose to hands without a pair. Distance is determined using Manhattan distances.

Parent: Three Card Double Draw Lowball (#466)


Ace King Queen (#1030) 3-5-4-9-0 draw, odd-ranks

Three Legged Low Ball Double Draw (#828)

Betting Rounds103
Max Cards Seen6
SourcePoker Mike

Tags: draw, legs


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. High hand gets a leg, but the pot stays.
  8. Repeat the last seven actions until someone gets three legs.

Parent: Three Card Double Draw Lowball (#466)

Two Card Lowball Cohones (#1001)

Betting Rounds100
Max Cards Seen4
SourcePoker News

Tags: draw, guts, lowball


  1. Deal two cards down to each player.
  2. Declare in/out one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.
  3. Each player may twist up to two cards for minimum bet each.
  4. Showdown, low hand wins.
  5. Anyone who went in and lost must match the pot. If no one went in or someone had to match the pot, redeal for all.

Parent: Two Card Cahones (#751)

Three High/Low (#1029)

Betting Rounds2
Max Cards Seen9
SourceTwo Plus Two Forums

Tags: draw, high-low, jokers, wilds


  1. Use a 52 card deck with one joker added.
  2. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  3. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  4. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  5. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  6. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  7. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  8. Declare high/low/both simultaneously.
  9. High declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot. Hands declared as both must win both to win anything.
  10. Jokers are wild.

Parent: Three Low (#824)

Ace King Queen (#1030)

Also known as: AKQ.

Betting Rounds4
Max Cards Seen9
SourceIntellectual Orgy

Tags: draw, odd-ranks


  1. Deal three cards face down to each player.
  2. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  3. Each player may draw up to three cards.
  4. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  5. Each player may draw up to two cards.
  6. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  7. Each player may draw one card if they wish.
  8. Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
  9. Showdown, high hand wins.
  10. The closest hand to ace-king-queen wins. Hands with a pair lose to hands without a pair. Distance is determined using Manhattan distances.

Parent: One Two Three (#827)