Roll Your Neighbor (#842)
Cards | 9 |
Players | 5 |
Betting Rounds | 5 |
Max Cards Seen | 9 |
Wilds | 20 |
Source | Poker News |
Tags: flip, wilds
- Deal three cards face down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal two cards down to each player.
- Showdown, high hand wins.
- Your low hole card is wild for you, as are all cards of the same rank.
Parent: Roll the Other Guy's
Bean Marriage (#889)
Cards | 9 |
Players | 5 |
Betting Rounds | 5 |
Max Cards Seen | 9 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | John McLeod |
Tags: flip
- Deal five cards face down to each player.
- Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal two cards down to each player.
- Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal two cards down to each player.
- Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Each player flips over one down card of their choice.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Showdown, high hand wins.
Parent: Nine Card Stud
Roll Your Neighbor Up (#1034)
Cards | 9 |
Players | 5 |
Betting Rounds | 5 |
Max Cards Seen | 9 |
Wilds | 20 |
Source | Poker News |
Tags: flip, wilds
- Deal three cards face down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal one card down to each player.
- Each player randomly flips one down card belonging to the player on their left.
- Normal betting round, with the player with the high hand showing opening.
- Deal two cards down to each player.
- Showdown, high hand wins.
- Your high hole card is wild for you, as are all cards of the same rank.
Parent: Roll Your Neighbor