Three Hundred Thirty Three (#845)
Also known as: 333.
Cards | 3 |
Players | 16 |
Betting Rounds | 5 |
Max Cards Seen | 3 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | Poker Mike |
Tags: discard, instant-win, odd-ranks, table
- Deal three cards face down to each player.
- Deal four cards face down to the table.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one table card face up.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one table card face up.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one table card face up.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Flip one table card face up.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Showdown, high hand wins.
- Blackjack hands. Aces count as 1 or 11, face cards are 10, everything else is face value. Highest total that doesn't go over 21 wins.
- If any player ever runs out of cards, they automatically win.
- If the table cards ever pair, replace the last one from the deck until they don't pair.
Parent: Florida Bingo
Flop-A (#1035) |
3-15-1-3-0 |
discard, high-low, instant-win, table |
Flop-A (#1035)
Cards | 3 |
Players | 15 |
Betting Rounds | 1 |
Max Cards Seen | 3 |
Wilds | 0 |
Source | Invented Poker Variations |
Tags: discard, high-low, instant-win, table
- Deal three cards face down to each player.
- Normal betting round, with the player to the left of the dealer opening.
- Deal one card face up to the table.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Deal one card face up to the table.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Deal one card face up to the table.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Deal one card face up to the table.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Deal one card face up to the table.
- Discard any cards with the same rank as a table card.
- Declare high/low/both simultaneously.
- High declared high hand and lowest declared low hand split the pot. Hands declared as both must win both to win anything.
- Hands are ranked by total points. Aces are 1 or 11, face cards are 10, all other cards are face value.
- If the table cards ever pair, replace the last one from the deck until they don't pair.
- If any player ever runs out of cards, they automatically win.
Parent: Three Hundred Thirty Three